nie ma obrazka


My name is Radek Kucharski, I'm a Polish traveller and trekker. I trekked in Iran, in Karakoram of Pakistan in the Himalayas of India and Nepal as well as in the mountains of the Scandinavia. Ladakh is my favourite destination where I trekked both in summer and winter seasons. I'm the author of two Cicerone Press guidebooks:

I work as a tourist guide or a tour leader taking Polish groups to India, Nepal and Iceland. I lead adventure travel trips as well as treks.

I photograph. You may find my published photos on the web both as travel blog infrequent updates as well as uploads to galleries of my favourite shots.

You will find links to my other websites as well galleries, blogs and pages in the social media portals on this site.

Thank your for your visit! See you on a trekking route!

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